Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Once a Cat Photographer.......

So, like always I was thinking, man, you need to extend your photographic repertoire beyond cats.  One must avoid being pigeon-holed as a feline photographer, right?  What better subject matter than some amazing orchids that we got from Home Depot of all places.  Classic still life material.  Perfect.  I took this first shot on a whim, liked the result, and then set up the home studio for shot #2:

All right, now we are talking, nice artistic floral arrangements.  But then, I could not resist.  Cats were fetched, toy mice, treats, laser pointers (I am divulging all my secrets, aren't I?) were employed.  As always, FuFu was more game for the shenanigans than XingXing.  It does beg the question, though - is there any photographic composition that cannot be improved with the addition of a cat?

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