This post is getting out a couple of days late - I had a witty, informative post all laid out Sunday night but I don't think the new Internet Explorer version 9 that I downloaded likes Blogger (a Google - Microsoft grudge?) so when I went to post it, it was completely blank! I quickly deleted the blank post and went to bed - my apologies to my legions of email subscribers if you received an email notifying you of a post that didn't exist. And if you are not an email, RSS, etc. subscriber - go ahead and sign up on the right! Anyway, back to the latest developments in feline photography in the greater NYC area........
........continuing on with the flash theme, I have this series of photos. Let me share a little secret - if you want some clues about the lighting set-up a photographer used, look to the reflections ("catchlight") in the eyes. As you can clearly see in this first one, there are huge white squares in Fufu's eyes, which tells you that he is just a couple of feet away from a softbox (with flash inside). I also bounced a flash off the ceiling as a second source of light to shine where the softbox wouldn't.

Doesn't this next photo look like a campaign photograph for Fufu? That's right, Fufu for president! I guess he'll have to run as a Republican since Obama has the Democratic nomination wrapped up. Look at the grim determination and resolve in his expression, this is a cat that is willing to lead the nation to solve its most intractable problems.....including fighting the feline obesity epidemic with better labeling for cat food that clearly shows the carbohydrate content.......

Finally here is XingXing, I hope he learns to tolerate the flash but as you can see here he was looking to escape after I turned his favorite (illegal) scratching chair into a makeshift studio.