Faithful AMACA2C followers have already met Daphne, who will be featured in the calendar, but I have another treat for you today. Perspicacious and long-time followers will remember Magnolia from this post. Well, soon after that photo was taken Magnolia found a wonderful home with her brother Hercules. Their proud owners welcomed me into their home a few months back to snap some pics of these fabulous felines for the calendar. I haven't seen the calendar yet, but I'm pretty sure this first photo is in it. I feel like there is an old money "aristo-cat-ic" air to this photo, with their regal stance, Magnolia's somewhat haughty & disinterested gaze, and the dark wood floor and furniture:
And here is another one of Magnolia (or "Mags", as her owners affectionately call her). I still feel like this cat has a particularly human-like face that exudes wisdom and knowledge.........
And finally, contact details below to get your calendar!
Great. He he