Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The People of Bhutan, and Their Cats

The cats of Bhutan have it rough - on first appearance, this is definitely dog country.  Canines are everywhere!  I missed a great shot of a dog sleeping in the middle of a busy traffic circle (no traffic lights in Bhutan!).  Here are two lounging pooches clearly unimpressed with the nice view of the capital city of Thimpu, and another doggie relaxing in the backyard of a temple.
However, although dogs are ubiquitous, an observant traveler will notice that cats are around and do have a certain status - they are present in monasteries, hotels, temples, homes, etc. for the same reason that humans have kept cats for at least several millenia - organic, cute & fury pest control. 
 Of course, Bhutan is famous for emphasizing "Gross National Happiness" as opposed to "Gross National Product".  And the people of Bhutan do generally seem happy.  But like people the world over, they seem even happier when they are holding a cat.........
The People of Bhutan, and their Cats

The People of Bhutan, and their Cats

The People of Bhutan, and their Cats

The People of Bhutan, and their Cats

P.S. - although these cats look similar, these pics were taken many miles and mountain passes apart!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this post a lot, especially the first guy (monk?)...I like how he enjoys his cat! I sense the cat blogger has found new interests? We still love your blog...don't give up!
